The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands that were naturally formed and are located in the Pacific Ocean at 972 km. from the continental coast of Ecuador in South America.

One of the world's foremost destinations for wildlife-viewing.

The Galapagos Islands are known worldwide for their natural beauty, marine biodiversity and the coexistence of their unique flora and fauna with human beings .

Nortada Yacht

Originally built in France, Nortada is a fully rebuilt fiberglass vessel serving as a dive live-aboard in the Galapagos Islands.

Diving Itinerary

Humboldt and Panama seasons itinerary include visits to dive in Darwin and Wolf Islands (Marine Sanctuary). Up to 4 dives per day.

Naturalist Itinerary

Come with us and get to know this beautiful paradise.


Nortada is available for individual bookings and full charter all year round.

Photo Gallery

Feel the Nortada Experience!

Beautiful view… Incredible feeling… Peaceful place